Manila di Giovanni

Manila di Giovanni: Technopreneur behind the world’s first-ever Virtual Economy in the Metaverse

Right after graduating from the International University of Monaco, Manila di Giovanni was nominated in the “Forbes 30 under 30” list, won last year’s Top Young Italian Entrepreneur Prize by the Association of Italian Entrepreneurs of Monaco, Rising Star award at the Meta Entertainment World, and was runner up at the JCI concours de Création d’entreprise de Monaco. She is a true inspiration for the next generation. Yet, her story goes way beyond technology as her goal is to elevate human interactions and Monaco has her by accident.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

21 years old Manila di Giovanni was born in Genova, Italy, to a Filipino mother and an Italian father. Despite her young age, she is an accomplished technopreneur and the leading voice of the Metaverse revolution in the Principality of Monaco. But technology is not what brought her in the first place to the Principality.

Her name, Manila means the “Son’s jewel” and represents the capital of the Philippines, known as the “Pearl of the Orient”.

It is also interesting to know that her name starts with “M”, which is the only letter in the alphabet that we can pronounce without opening our mouths. There is much more to discover in Manila’s already inspiring life path.

You were born to a Filipino-Italian family. How did your parents meet?

My father was on a holiday in the Philippines and spent some time there with his friends. One day, driving in a taxi he saw my mom walking on the street. He immediately asked the car to stop and approached my mom. His crazy Italian heart sparkled up. My mom also noticed the craziness in the situation, wondering what this Italian man was wanting from her in the middle of the streets in the Philippines. Just to escape from the situation, she even ensured a fake address to my father.

How did they meet then again?

For my father, it was love at first sight. He was so much in love that he spent days asking around in the neighbourhood. He was relentless until he found her. He proved that nothing is impossible with persistence and the right attitude. My mom and dad are my greatest inspirations because they both started from nothing.

Manila is very close to her father, who often guides her toward the right decisions.

You grew up in Italy, did you spend time in the Philippines as well?

I spent most of my summers in Manila. For my parents, it was important that I experience both sides of the world. I had a very contrasting childhood because people in the Philippines live in a much more challenging environment than we are used to here in Europe.

Why did you choose Monaco?

Actually, I always wanted to go to Milan, Italy, and not to Monaco,” – laughs Manila.

What changed your opinion?

My neighbour gave me a piece of great advice; she said that the biggest companies are not looking for new human resources from the best universities. They are looking for people with experiences, who are independent and linked to an international background. This made me think a lot.

When Manila turned 17, she decided to move to the Principality of Monaco and later that year, she started her studies at the International University of Monaco.

When I discovered the International University of Monaco I had no idea where Monaco was, even if I grew up just a few hours of drive away. In Italy, Monaco means Munich in Germany, and this caused confusion in me. I remember I said to my father that I did not want to go to Germany.

What Manila did not realize back then was that she already knew and had visited the Principality of Monaco on many occasions before. To be more precise, since 2011 she was a spectator of all the Rolex Monte-Carlo Tennis Masters.

My father told me that I have been in Monaco many times before because that’s the place where every year I used to watch the tennis masters. So, Monaco instantly became more attractive to me,” – giggles Manila. – “Also, I knew that Milan was less international than Monaco was. I knew that once I would have established a startup business, I would have wanted to work with multiple nationalities from all around the world.

And here you are in Monaco.

It is funny to look back because in 2015, I told my friend that all I see in Monaco are nice people and maybe one day I will live among these residents. And in 2018, life guided me here without doing anything on purpose.

During her studies at the International University of Monaco, Manila discovered the latest technologies in China as an exchange student.

In 2021, Manila launched her authorized Monaco company, called DWorld (stands for the sound similarity of saying “The World”), to create the world’s first-ever Virtual Economy that acts as a bridge between the real world and the virtual one.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

Did the idea of DWorld come to you during the International University of Monaco period?

No, it started before since I was a teenager and I was always fascinated by virtual reality technologies. Already as a child, I was also quite influenced by the Japanese culture. I love the Anime series where the characters often travel to different virtual worlds.

Anime is an art form that comprises many genres found in other mediums; it is sometimes mistakenly classified as a genre itself. Animation in Japan began in the early 20th century when filmmakers started to experiment with techniques pioneered in France, Germany, the United States, and Russia.

Growing up on Anime series, I was always thinking about how to integrate the real world with a virtual one to create a real bridge between the two and an added value to society. I went to my semester abroad in Shanghai in China in 2019, and I interned there for an artificial intelligence startup. 

It was an amazing learning experience since the managers always brought me to different conferences and meetings, allowing me to learn and experience things in real-life practice. 

I got the opportunity to meet different business and technology leaders throughout various industries such as Artificial Intelligence, biotech, Virtual Reality, and many others that focused on 3D modelling technologies. I learned a lot from them, accumulating knowledge which I then brought back to Monaco.

Hotel Hermitage went in the Metaverse for the Meta Entertainment World event with DWorld.
Hotel Hermitage went in the Metaverse for the Meta Entertainment World event with DWorld.

Who was the first person you talked to about your idea?

It was my father. Throughout the years I always talked about Virtual Reality with him, but he was not fond of the idea yet. Then while I was in China discovering these technologies, I talked to him about the concept that a luxury store in Monaco could open a virtual store that could be visited by people from all around the world. I explained how this can be a new sales channel for any enterprise or city to display itself to a global audience. 

The concrete examples helped my father to understand the practical usability of the digital world and he started believing in my idea, and finally decided to help me to establish my startup company.

DWorld’s first product is a multiplayer VR platform that enables visits to Monaco Ville from any place in the world. Having collaborated with the Principality’s smart city department, Manila was chosen to showcase DWorld at Monaco’s Pavilion at the Dubai Expo 2020. 

Redesign of Mareterra by DWorld.
Redesign of Mareterra by DWorld.

What was your original study at school?

Since high school, my focus was always on business management and psychology. I was also studying finance as my specialization because my father always told me that an exceptional manager is great with people but also good with numbers.

Did you have any other shareholders from Monaco?

In the beginning, I tried to involve one of my classmates as well, as I was thinking that it was a shared vision. 

My goal was to create an added value to the Principality of Monaco, but unfortunately I had to learn the hard way when I realized that for some people doing business here is only about money.

Do you still work with this classmate?

No, because we do not share the same values. Hence, it is true, one should never do business with friends,” – jokes Manila. – “When you want to make an impact, then you need to sacrifice a lot of your time and energy for a cause. This is why you need to surround yourself with the right people. Luckily by now, we have other people to help us grow in Monaco and abroad.

How would you describe the Metaverse to a non-technology-oriented person?

It is the next level of human interaction. It is as simple as this without going into any technical details.

And what is its practical use?

It is a platform where you can interconnect with technologies such as AR, VR, and the blockchain and you can develop a simulated world where people can connect also on an emphatic level. The fact that your brain is tricked by believing that you are inside this world, helps a lot. That’s why it is the next level of human interactions because it is like being there, unlike in Zoom where you just see something. It will also help governments and cities to develop themselves to the next level.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

What is the value of the Metaverse for Monaco or the luxury world?

For the luxury world, it is especially valuable for developing new and exclusive communities. Brands are developing new immersive experiences for their exclusive customers, especially for the new generations. You can create something new and novel without making huge investments. 

Through this technology, you can connect your services, provide them virtually, and can also attach the NFT purchases to physical products. Therefore, VR, NFTs and real-world benefits can go hand-in-hand. This way companies can really start a community that is connected to the heart of the brand.

Manila explains that developments in the Metaverse are fundamental because Monaco is a small Principality where people are coming for touristic reasons. It is very well known for luxury and events, but not for its businesses outside the touristic industries. 

To expand the local businesses and connect them with enterprises abroad, the Metaverse can be a great tool to raise global awareness of what companies are doing in Monaco and expand the Principality not only by extending its lands on the sea, but also in the virtual environment.

Manila also foresees the huge trend where investors will be allocating more funds towards virtual assets. New areas are opening up, as DWorld will start to recreate reality and sell through the virtual twin of the Principality luxurious bespoke apartments, yachts, and art pieces for HNWIs and UNWIs. 

Based on your opinion, which sector will capitalize the most on the Metaverse?

There is equal opportunity for all but it really depends on what the Monégasque government wants to promote,” – starts Manila. – “Currently, the yachting industry seems to be the most welcomed due to the launch of Monaco Capital of Advanced Yachting, but I believe in the real estate and the various other local enterprises as well. Connecting all the small stores in a Metaverse-based virtual environment can help in offering them better support and preserving the local business heritage. It is important to cater to everyone, not just the multicompanies, because even small local companies can double their sales channels and contribute to the economic boost of the Principality of Monaco.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

Where do you see the main challenges?

As I see, most of the platforms are still behind focusing solely on the blockchain elements, VR, cryptocurrencies, static desktop solutions while making the experiences fragmented. We are trying to be a step ahead by connecting the immersive VR experience and the blockchain technologies together to create the smarter and greener futuristic version of our cities without developing something completely fictional and irrelevant to them. I think this is our added value. 

It is a real endeavor for us to integrate these two. There is currently no one in the competitive landscape in the region and very few globally to create a real Metaverse platform and educate private businesses and the governments about this new industry. Even Apple has decided that from 2024, their main products will be VR and AR glasses. Also, thanks to Facebook, we are getting a huge acceleration in the industry.

Do people understand easily the concept and the benefits of the Metaverse?

You cannot expect that people immediately understand the benefits of Metaverse because it is a very new type of industry like the internet was at the beginning of the 2000s. In our industry, it is normal to get a high number of rejections, but I also believe that when the first few say “yes”, then DWorld will start to get the traction. We are already busy developing the virtual twin for the Principality of Monaco with the Smart City department.

How did you get over the rejections?

I am very optimistic and my vision is stronger than the effect of the rejection. Usually, by the next day, I can focus on the positive path. It annoys me more when people want everything for free because it is not a physical product. Still, it involves a lot of work, creativity, and accumulated knowledge.

Do you get a lot of false promises in Monaco?

Most people are very straightforward in the beginning and the expectations are clear after the first meeting. I respect that. But for example, there was one Italian client who made us work for several weeks for free and then he decided to just pull out. When we started, I was very proud and enthusiastic to help a fellow Italian. However, I became very frustrated after this experience because I saw the potential in his business and the way we could have built up an impactful model for Monaco.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

Why did you choose Monaco to implement your idea?

At the beginning, I was thinking to start it in Singapore, where they are really looking into the future and truly supporting the startup environment. They are moving very fast, which I could observe firsthand as I lived and worked there.

I decided on Monaco because I wanted to challenge myself. I know that in certain areas there is a lack of innovation in Monaco, I am the only authorized VR company doing this here. In comparison, in Singapore, they are really looking into the future, adapting very fast to new technologies and the startup environment is much better.

On the other hand, Monaco is a perfect testing environment to start this platform and differentiate myself from the others. This is because Monaco is still developing, like for example the “Mareterra area”.

Mareterra is the newest land extension, a transformational project for Monaco: a beautiful new community of residential, cultural, and recreational spaces that celebrates the spirit and sensations of the Mediterranean.

H.S.H. Prince Albert II described it as: “I wanted this new area to embody the excellence and conviviality which distinguish the Principality of Monaco so well. Mareterra will integrate perfectly with our shoreline, and in a few years will be seen as a natural extension of our territory”.

The name “Mareterra” is inspired by the two complementary elements of the project: the sea and the land. Developed using pioneering, sustainable building techniques, Mareterra lies at the heart of the Principality’s future growth.

I was looking a lot at this new eco-district. I wanted to showcase this Monaco project in a different light, even by changing the design of the houses into better ones, as a true smart and green project in the Metaverse. This can also help the country to move to the next technological level.

Such a project requires significant financial support. Even if DWorld agreed with the smart city department to change the design of the buildings to not waste too much time to get all the authorizations from each private entity due to the Intellectual Property, the concept was initially put on hold. What happened?

Let me start by saying this, without collaboration nothing can be realized. I felt that the involved partners liked the idea of innovating themselves, but they were not ready to implement any changes. So, the project with them failed on this and not due to the financial aspect, as I was still investing my own money in it and re-started with different partners.

Manila is still an active promoter of the new Mareterra project, but on a whole new level, where they are selling bespoke newly designed virtual properties as NFTs.

We try to include new architects as well in the new Monaco Metaverse. One of our collaborators is an architect who used to work with one of the main architectural studios involved in the real world Mareterra project. She redesigned the villas for us to sell them virtually as NFTs.

Why Metaverse and not Zoom or Microsoft Teams? Do you think being in a virtual world is enough reason for companies to change?

The key reason to change lies in the more dynamic interaction. Through avatars and VR you can build up a better connection and a more interactive one. You simply cannot compare this to Zoom.

One of the main challenges might be the lack of seriousness, as people can also choose as an avatar, an orange or a banana.

Professionally, you always keep your real-life avatar. I don’t believe that any serious business would allow cartoon avatars to represent them.

How do you see Monaco and the Metaverse in 10 years?

Most people come to Monaco for events but the country has an enormous uncapitalized potential in the further development of the touristic area. In the Metaverse, people can really enjoy their time discovering Monaco virtually. 

We can also develop new experiences way beyond just driving a supercar or traveling with a virtual helicopter. One of our concepts is to get an experience to be near the Sovereign Prince himself. 

This way we can also educate ourselves on multiple topics, such as the reason why H.S.H Prince Albert II supports the wildlife in Antarctica, why he is striving to protect the oceans, or why he believes in the digitalisation of the Principality. 

A real smart city has to be smart on the cultural levels as well. It’s mainly about focusing on the socio-economic development rather than just on the technological development and purpose.

Is the goal to recreate the exact copy of a city or a vision for the future?

I like to imagine how the world of tomorrow will be. Therefore, my goal is to recreate cities based on real ones, but in a smarter and greener way to inspire positive changes for future developments. 

By doing this, Metaverse users are enabled to live whole, new and breath-taking experiences and be part of an environment where all the main economic sectors are combined in one single revolutionary, social virtual reality platform.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

Talking about environmental protection, it is estimated that each Bitcoin transaction uses around 2100 kilowatt-hours (kWh), which is roughly what an average US household consumes in 75 days. 

When this energy is supplied from non-renewable energy sources, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can generate exorbitant greenhouse gas emissions. What are your thoughts on this?

We are fully aware of the carbon footprint impact of blockchain networks that needs to be addressed. We are using new methods where one NFT transaction is the equivalent to just sending three emails. This way we try to reduce the carbon footprint.

Which one do you like more, the fictional Metaverse or the real world-based Metaverse?

The Metaverse can be also linked to more casual experiences, but our focus at DWorld is not on the fantasy worlds. We want to keep the focus on human-oriented interactions. This way recreational programs can be fun too, but always contextualized within the real-world cities.

One of the biggest fears is that VR without education and limits can be highly addictive and for that reason dangerous.

People need to be responsible in the same way as with any other technologies, similar to when one plays video games. China even implemented a 1.5 hours per week maximum time for videogames to maintain the mental balance of people. All this is reasonable to avoid a reality shift, but we need to be responsible for our actions without requiring the governments to make those decisions for us which I find quite extreme.

All things considered, Manila strongly believes that the Metaverse will add and help towards growth, more than take away or diminish. She highlights that a lot of people are introverts, they struggle socially and are different because of some other (mental) issues. She has experienced this first-hand in her family.

My little sister has some mental challenges which set her back in life. She has a very tough time in school where classmates are not always kind to her,” – starts Manila with tears in her eyes. – “I observed that at home she spends more and more time in digital worlds and platform currently considered as the new metaverses, like Roblox. Talking with her I realized that being in virtual environments helps her to develop more confidence in life, as she can see herself more openly and socially in these spaces.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

So DWorld is also something personal for you?

Yes, I am not in it for financial reasons. I would like to help people like my sister to have a better life, gaining more confidence by having the chance to develop more empathy.

Don’t you think that this will exclude them more from the real world?

It is quite the opposite. My little sister developed new virtual friendships and they even met in real life. She is 15 years old, and I am really proud of how she finds her way in life.

Despite your young age, you have reached many amazing things with DWorld, establishing yourself as a leader and visionary. 

How did the International University of Monaco and its educational program help the process of your development?

With no doubt, IUM helped me with the opportunity to integrate myself into the business community here in Monaco. Also, the possibility to create an exchange study in Shanghai, China was an invaluable experience.

You are half European and half Asian. Which mentality is closer to your heart?

I always felt that my Asian half is more dominant in terms of the way I am thinking regarding values, such as family, friends, trust, and hard work. 

For example, in Japan and Singapore, loyalty and trust are the main values, and I very much like that.

How would you compare the students in Monaco to those in Asia?

In China students are calmer and focused, while at IUM students prefer to party,” – jokes Manila. – “I was lucky to meet with some professors at IUM who really helped me to rediscover my values and formalise the purpose of what I really want to do.

Did the professors help you with DWorld too?

I was building DWorld externally, it was not part of IUM. I just integrated DWorld in my university projects so I do not start new ones that would not have been used for my career.

How do you see it, do the IUM students stick together?

Italian and French students have their own groups. For me, it was easier to integrate with the other international students. I never wanted to be just in one group because my life philosophy is to include people and not exclude others. I try to avoid segregation.

How was it after graduation, did the relationships continue?

I was quite shocked as to how people distanced themselves after graduation. I think the main reason is that everyone is looking for a good job opportunity and they don’t help each other due to this fight for position. Especially here in Monaco where the market is not just small but highly competitive.

Manila reveals a very humble personality, something that she has inherited from her mother.

My mom is a very strong person. She was 14 when life forced her to work to take care of her seven brothers and sisters. I hope that once DWorld is going to full scale, I will be also able to support my family in the same way as they were always next to me.

Is it hard for you to be in Monaco, while most of your relatives live in the Philippines?

It is extremely difficult and I often have guilt for having this opportunity and being here. But I also know that this is the only way to make changes for them. In the Philippines, I would not have the same opportunity to start a technology business.

Do you have any fears?

In Monaco, everything seems very easy and many people are used to taking things for granted. However, in life we all need to work hard for things we want to attain. Otherwise, we will never appreciate them. 

My fear is to lose my hunger to make innovations and changes. On the other hand, I also know that based on the education that I have received from my parents, I can overcome this fear and stay on the right track.

On a different note, in recent years the Philippines has suddenly become a destination for foodies, and Manila, the city is well-known for its varied cuisine and street food markets.

Are you a foodie?

I am a super foodie. I would not spend 300 Euros on a plate, but I am a foodie. I think food can taste heavenly even if it is in a cheaper place.

What is your favourite place in Monaco?

Since I am half Italian, I love pizza. My favourite pizza place is actually in Beausoleil, called La Chamade Lab pizzeria.

Do you have any hobbies or routines?

I love to do sport, mainly tennis and paddle. I usually play tennis 3 times a week. Sport is definitely what I need to cool down and it really helps me to refocus. It allows me to start to think freshly and gain different perspectives.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

Do you have a tennis community here in Monaco?

Many people love tennis here and the Monte-Carlo Country Club is often full. However, making friends is not easy because you do not want to disturb anyone during the games. What really helps is when we are playing doubles because that builds up a bond and the community. Let’s not forget, I also chose to be in Monaco thanks to my history with tennis.

Very few know that not only did Manila visit frequently the Rolex Monte-Carlo Tennis Masters during the past decade, but she also dreamed to be a tennis player.

Before attending the International University of Monaco, she was constantly training in Italy. She had to wake up at 5am to train before going to high school, and trained another four hours after the courses finished. Manila even spent five months at the Emilio Sánchez Academy, Barcelona in Spain. This is the second-best tennis academy in the world, where Manila trained and played eight hours per day non-stop.

During this period, she also competed in the nationals.

Can you imagine tennis or other sport activities taking part in the Metaverse?

I do not have to because it is already a reality. For instance, the Australian Open will launch into the Metaverse in early 2023, serving up the world-first NFT art collection linked to live match data.

As part of the Metaverse project, 6,776 Australian Open Art Ball NFTs will be minted for the almost one billion global viewers the Australian Open attracts, making this a monumental opportunity to forever own a piece of the Australian Open 2022. 

Each Australian Open Art Ball’s metadata will be linked to a 19cm x 19cm plot of each tennis court surface. As soon as the winning shot from any of the 400+ Australian Open matches lands on that plot, the NFT metadata will be updated in real-time to highlight the match information.

Combining real-time court data with NFTs has never been attempted before, it will provide incredible ways for global tennis fans to engage as NFT holders in the Australian Open. 

It is such an inspiring way to engage with tennis fans. They will even reward them with physical items. For example, when one of the 11 championships points lands on a plot, the NFT owner of that plot can claim and receive the tennis ball used in the championship point, in a specially handcrafted case.

Manila’s dream is to advance the Rolex Monte-Carlo Tennis Masters as well, by organising also VR tennis masterclasses with famous players.

Why did you leave your dream to become a professional tennis player?

When I was competing in the nationals, I was deciding to keep playing tennis or focus on my studies based on whether I would have made it in the main draw or not. I experienced injustice during a match. In tennis, you just need one point to win, and in a critical moment, my opponent, who was higher ranked, took one ball away from me that would have made me win the set. She was constantly complaining to the judge and the judge was on her side. I felt it was unfair, as I lost the most important match that made me decide to quit my tennis dreams, and focus on my studies instead.

Manila who believes in honesty and ethics, quickly figured out what to do with her life.

I never considered myself as the most intelligent in the room, but I was always the creative one. I like to learn and have a very curious mind. I also learn very fast,” – explains Manila.

Is it easy to be a young entrepreneur in such a traditional place as Monaco?

It is not easy at all; because of the average age here in Monaco, people often see me as a kid. Most of the people I interact with are over 45-50 years old and I am only 21. They look at me and think: “oh a kid came to speak to me today”,” – laughs Manila. – “I am confident because I trust in my knowledge, but when it comes to explaining these new ideas, there is an age gap for sure. Usually, the younger generation is more open to change.

You have a Chief Technical Officer in Los Angeles, USA. How did you meet?

It is funny because actually we have never met. This is the beauty and power of the virtual world because I met him online.

What would your advice be for a young entrepreneur in Monaco? What is the key to going ahead here?

Lots of optimism and patience. You have to be patient because the right people will come, but it might take two years or even more. For this, you have to have a strong belief in yourself.

Would you recommend mentorships?

I believe you need to have multiple mentors in life, otherwise everything will be biased and one-sided. You need to build up a circle of people around you whom you can trust. I always found it best to work with mentors with different and multi-cultural backgrounds.

Manila di Giovanni
Manila di Giovanni Photo: Arbee Pachao, ACPIMAGES

If the whole world would be listening to you, what would you tell them?

There is no one single advice, only multiple ones. I think the most important one in this world is to keep being human. So many things can happen on a personal level and it is fundamental to continue being human and keeping our inner child who has dreams and passions. Also, you need to maintain the trust in people because we have to be socially interactive and reliable.

Do you think technology helps in this?

I often experience that in this technological world people have less patience because everything happens so fast. It becomes all about the “I want it now”. We need to remember that we need to work hard for things and not just ask others to hand them to us on golden platters. Many people do not foster the skills to make things as planned, and I believe it is the wrong way ahead. My advice is to maintain your inner desire to work hard with constant efforts to make things happen.

What do you think, where will you retire eventually, in Monaco or Asia?

No matter where I go, I need to feel well with the people I am surrounded by. I can imagine that Asia is a long-term possibility, but maybe I might be surprised again by what destiny and the future holds for me.

Being a visionary young resident, Manila is building a better and inclusive future for the Principality of Monaco, as well as for cities and countries worldwide. As she proudly stated, she wants to leave behind a lasting impact while positively changing the world.

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