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Energy Saving Plan: the State activates two new financial support schemes

On 16 November, the Minister of State, Pierre Dartout, unveiled the Prince’s Government’s new Energy Saving Plan and announced that a price cap would be introduced.

One of the State’s recommendations is to install energy-efficient equipment for the most energy-intensive everyday uses: LEDs, enclosed refrigerators (for shops), NF-standard inertia radiators, double-glazed windows and doors, etc.

Today, in line with its commitment to fighting climate change and offering financial support to households and businesses, the Government is reactivating measures to help with the purchase of small energy-saving appliances and devices, originally introduced as part of the post-Covid stimulus package and overseen by the Mission for Energy Transition (MTE).

In addition, to help building owners and operators replace their old and inefficient collective heating systems, a second grant is now available, also administered by the MTE. It covers a part of the cost of replacing an old system with a heat pump.

1/ Purchasing small appliances and devices to reduce your energy use

Are you looking to buy a LED, power strip, an energy-saving smart plug, or water-saving tap? 
Would you like to save money and energy while reducing your greenhouse gas emissions?

The Mission for Energy Transition is offering a grant of up to €3,000 to help cover the cost of purchasing low-energy appliances and devices.

The aim is to reduce the energy use of households and businesses.

There are benefits for both your wallet and the planet, so start making savings now!

For full details of the dedicated assistance available, visit the official website of the Mission for Energy Transition: https://energy-transition.gouv.mc/Energy-Transition/Means-of-action/Subsidies/Financial-assistance-for-the-purchase-of-small-appliances-and-fixtures

2/ Assistance with installing collective heat pumps to replace conventional boilers

Is your building heated by a collective heating system?

Would you like to save money and energy while reducing your greenhouse gas emissions?

Opt for a heat pump, and you can receive financial support from the Prince’s Government.

Heat pumps have several advantages:

– They are more energy efficient.
– They emit fewer greenhouse gases.
– They are cheaper to run.
– They can also provide collective heating and air-conditioning for buildings, if pipes and radiators are replaced by fan convector units.

The Mission for Energy Transition is offering a grant covering 30% of the price of the equipment and the cost of installation.

For full details of the dedicated assistance available: https://energy-transition.gouv.mc/Energy-Transition/Means-of-action/Subsidies/Building-renovations-Heat-pump-subsidy-and-call-for-exemplary-renovation-projects/Subvention-Pompes-a-chaleur  

Everyone needs to play their part in the collective effort. “It’s common sense: we are all affected, and each of us can adopt energy-saving measures that make a difference. The efforts made and the results they bring need to be seen in the round,” said the Minister of State.

You can see all of the measures contained in the Principality’s Energy Saving Plan at: 


Mission for Energy Transition
transition-energetique@gouv.mc – (+377) 

Source: Government portal

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