MEB approves report and presents upcoming projects at AGM

MEB approves report and presents upcoming projects at AGM

Monaco Economic Board (MEB) had its AGM on Thursday 30 March at the Méridien Beach Plaza, an opportunity for members to approve its end of year report for 2022, a year of recovery, and announce new and current projects for 2023. After the AGM, Stéphan Bruno, Director Business Development Agency then Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy gave their verdict before the 44th Members Rendezvous.

Over 180 directors of member companies and officials attended the AGM which opened with a word of welcome from its Chairman Michel Dotta. He was followed by its Executive Director General Guillaume Rose supported by his Deputy Justin Highman who presented the report for 2022 and prospects for the current year.

2022 a year of recovery

Free of health restrictions, MEB had been able to swing back fully into action to support Monaco businesses to grow and promote the Principality’s economy, although the Ukraine war has clearly had an impact. More than 40 events were organised abroad and at home, including:

– Trade Missions abroad, often in coordination with other Team Monaco entities, to Dubai, Montreal and Paris, in partnerships with the relevant Chambers of Commerce and always with the all-important targeted BtoB meetings;

– Hosting trade delegations from United States (Indiana), Vietnam, Djibouti, Austria, Estonia, Canada and South Korea with networking events or BtoB sessions for Monaco businesses;

– Talks, Business Forums and trade fairs with opportunities to meet a renowned economist;

– Actions to promote the Monegasque economy that played a role in preparations for future Trade Missions, for example to Saudi Arabia, scheduled for January 2024;

– Webinars and other online actions such as Digital Workshops in partnership with Extended Monaco for Business;

– Operations with potential investors or future residents as part of MEB’s Invest Monaco remit.

MEB continued to support members by promoting them with broadcasts on two leading radio stations: Riviera Radio and Radio Monaco. In 2022, around 100 managers benefited, and 50 companies were also able to reach some 2,500 contacts via the dedicated MEB newsletter, mainly in Monaco and the region.

MEB approves report and presents upcoming projects at AGM
MEB Executive Director General Guillaume Rose & Deputy General Director Justin Highman presented the 2022 report and future objectives.presented the 2022 report and future objectives. / Photo: MEB / Carte Blanche

2023 growth and innovations

The year kicked off with a particularly constructive trip to Djibouti in a collaboration with CEMA, (Club des Entrepreneurs Monégasques en Afrique) and a talk on the Monaco Customs Office’s new powers which were of particular interest to exporters.

Regarding future actions, Trade Missions are planned to Belgium (14-16 June), Thailand (27 September-2 October), the Netherlands (22-24 November) and London (6-7 December).

At home, a Nice-Matin Group Eco Club event will focus on business tourism (27 April) followed by a string of talks starting with the multi-award winning forecaster Christophe Barraud (16 May) and Alexandre Bubbio who heads Monaco’s statistics body IMSEE (22 June). Among visiting delegations, the first is Luxembourg (15 May) in a joint operation with CCI Côte d’Azur.

New this year was the decision taken at an Extraordinary General Meeting to give members a choice of two membership categories from 2024. The ‘Classic’ at €650 a year gives rights to access all services and current events. The second, ‘Premium’ at €1,300, offers added benefits such as the opportunity to bring more staff for some operations, benefit from exclusive events and have a dedicated area on the MEB website on which to communicate.

Also new is to organise talks in English to better integrate non-French speaking organisations into the Monegasque economic fabric. The first is on 5 June.

Finally, working with the Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs, MEB plans to ramp up its role as facilitator in establishing relationships between Monaco companies and foreign ambassadors, particularly when diplomats present their accreditations in the Principality.

The diverse proactive agenda clearly appeals as membership is up from 560 to 591 since January.

By way of a conclusion, Stéphan Bruno, Director of the re-organised Business Development Agency was invited to talk about the new Monaco Business Office for customer-focused companies and businesses.

Minister of Finance and Economy, Jean Castellini, then took the floor to praise the Principality’s results, recently released by IMSEE, and congratulated the MEB teams for a “structure created by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs”.

Members attending the AGM were joined by other business leaders and MEB partners for the 44th Members Rendezvous. Over 320 people networked and made contacts in the convivial atmosphere of these get-togethers that are at the heart of MEB’s mission.

MEB approves report and presents upcoming projects at AGM
l-r. Martin Péronnet, MEB Secretary; Isabelle Berro-Amadei, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; Jean Castellini, Minister of Finance and Economy; Michel Dotta, MEB Chairman; Guillaume Rose, MEB Executive Director General; Stéphan Bruno, Director Business Development Agency; HE Mr Giulio Alaimo, Italy’s Ambassador in Monaco. / Photo: MEB / Carte Blanche

Source: Monaco Economic Board

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