Dr Nathalie Hilmi

Dr Nathalie Hilmi – Using Data to Create a Better Environment for the Next Generation

The International Finance expert turned Environmental Economist, Dr Nathalie Hilmi, evokes curiosity when it comes to sustainability.

Dr Nathalie Hilmi
Dr Nathalie Hilmi

Dr Nathalie Hilmi is the Section Head of Environmental Economics of the Scientific Center of Monaco (Centre Scientifique de Monaco) is working in the Principality of Monaco since 2006.

In 2006, she was employed at the International University of Monaco as Professor of Macroeconomics and Finance. Her research work encompassed academic studies and conference presentations to develop the network of the Hedge Funds Research Institute (HFRI), and applied researches on investment strategies in Alpstar, a hedge fund in Geneva. 

One might ask whether Nathalie always wanted to work in the field of science, but the truth is that she is more an expert in Macroeconomics and International Finance.

โ€œI like to be referred to as an economist,โ€ โ€“ starts Nathalie. โ€“ โ€œI used to work in the pharmaceutical industry, hedge fund and research center, and business schools.โ€

Why Monaco?

โ€œI like multidisciplinary research and the international environment that the Principality offers. And because the Centre Scientifique de Monaco is very active in environmental and marine research.โ€

In 2010, she joined the Centre Scientifique de Monaco as section head of environmental economics and collaborated with IAEAโ€™s Environment Laboratories to initiate correlation studies between environmental sciences and economics to better evaluate the socioeconomic extent of impacts and costs of action versus inaction with regard to carbon emissions.ย 

Dr Nathalie Hilmi at the ELEVATE Space & Sustainability Conference
Dr Nathalie Hilmi at the ELEVATE Space & Sustainability Conference

What is the biggest challenge in your job?

โ€œIn my field of work it is important to constantly analyze and learn things so we can improve. Therefore, the biggest challenge is to understand the different disciplines and learn their languages.โ€

What do you enjoy most?

โ€œThe fact that my research can support decision-making at different levels: states and public sector, but also private sectors like industry and financial sector.โ€

You are also a published author. 

โ€œIndeed. I am lead author for IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) and IPCC WGII AR6. I am also lead author for MAR1, the first Mediterranean Assessment report by MedECC, which co-won the 2020 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe.โ€œ

What can you observe with a satellite? From that distance?

โ€œThe wildlife and biodiversity, the coasts, the cities, many elements of our environment.โ€

What is the biggest environmental risk that you monitor through satellite data?

โ€œClimate change and biodiversity loss socioeconomic impacts.โ€

Dr Nathalie Hilmi at the Think Tank panel discusson of the ELEVATE Space & Sustainability Conference
Dr Nathalie Hilmi at the Think Tank panel discusson of the ELEVATE Space & Sustainability Conference

Nathalie took the stage with an intriguing presentation for the audience and local school students during the 2nd ELEVATE Space & sustainability Conference. Do you think ELEVATE can help people to understand better the use of space technology to create a sustainable future?

โ€œI hope so. ELEVATE Space & Sustainability Conference offered an amazing opportunity for many students and the public interested in those topics to imagine their potential job and dream about their future.โ€

Nathalie has a strong passion to share her knowledge and research findings with others. She gave lectures on multiple occasions including in private business schools, CEMAFI (Centre dโ€™รฉtudes en Macroeconomie et Finance Internationale), University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA), France, and subsequently she taught at EDHEC Business School.

Dr Nathalie Hilmi at the Think Tank panel discusson of the ELEVATE Space & Sustainability Conference
Dr Nathalie Hilmi at the Think Tank panel discusson of the ELEVATE Space & Sustainability Conference

Did you like the audience questions at ELEVATE?

โ€œYes, very good questions. Especially from the students because they have this wonderfully curious mind for technology. They are also conscious enough to understand that we need to protect our planet. Therefore, presenting them a way to monitor our environment triggered a lot of great questions from them.โ€

Nathalie is a member of several international associations in economics and finance, and she actively participates in the reviewing and editing of specialized publications. It was an amazing opportunity to see her speak at the ELEVATE 2023 event.

Read the full and illustrated interview in the Winter 2023 edition of the Living in Monaco, the Monaco Residents’ Magazine.

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