First aid

The Prince’s Government adopts a Ministerial Decree on first aid in the workplace

The Prince’s Government has adopted a Ministerial Decree that lays out the conditions for administering emergency first aid to employees in the event of an accident or health problem at their place of work.

In accordance with a Sovereign Ordinance on the Office of Occupational Medicine, the government body tasked with monitoring employee health, the Decree establishes a framework for first aid administration and aims to ensure that affected employees receive care quickly.

The objective is to remove the victim of an accident or health problem from danger to avoid the occurrence of a “secondary accident” and for employees trained in first aid to administer, without delay, the care needed to limit the consequences of an accident until specialised care is provided.

Welcomed by the Federation of Monegasque Businesses (FEDEM) and the Monegasque Chamber of Builders, the Decree makes official practices that are already implemented in many companies and introduces obligatory first aid training for employees depending on the activity sector and the number of employees.

The Labour Inspectorate is available to answer any questions from companies in the Principality regarding the application of the decree, by phone +377 98 98 87 26 or in person at 17 rue Princesse Florestine.

Source: Government Portal

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