• Giving birth and Administrative obligations

    Posted by Zsolt Szemerszky on August 25, 2023 at 10:44 am

    One of the most common choices for the delivery of the baby is the state-run Princess Grace Hospital (CHPG, Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace). 

    After giving birth to a new life, the family has four days to declare the birth at the Mairie de Monaco (Town Hall). When you declare the birth in order to apply for childbirth allowance the Mairie de Monaco gives you a standard letter. By this time, you also need to be sure about the name. 

    Right after the birth, you are obliged to inform the authorities of the birth and the change in your circumstances. If you are not Monégasque citizen, you have to declare the birth at the Embassy of your country of orig

    Zsolt Szemerszky replied 1 year, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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