• Primary School

    Posted by Zsolt Szemerszky on August 25, 2023 at 2:58 pm

    Primary education starts at age 6, although there are nursery schools for even younger children. Secondary education is from age 11 or 12 and lasts for 4 years, after which students take a further 3 years to obtain the baccalaureate. 

    In addition, and with regards to private education under contract, there is one primary school and one establishment that comprises a nursery school, primary school, secondary school and lycée. 

    Education is compulsory for all children aged six to sixteen who are Monégasque nationals or living in Monaco. Education in the state sector is free, the private sector is fee-paying. 

    Children must be enrolled in primary school at the beginning of the calendar year in which they reach the age of six, prior to starting school in September. 

    You must enrol your child or children during the time-periods stipulated by the Department of Education, Youth and Sport, unless you have moved to the Principality during the school year. 

    You can choose between:

    − State education
    − Private education under contract − Private education 

    You can also educate your child at home, subject to the terms and checks set out in Article 5 of Act no. 1.334 of 12 July 2007 concerning education. 

    In the state sector, the school your child will attend depends on the geographical area in which you live. If you wish your child to attend a school in a different area, you should send a letter to the Department of Education, Youth and Sport before the 15th of June, requesting an area exemption, while awaiting a reply, you should enrol your child in the school in your area. 

    Zsolt Szemerszky replied 1 year, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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